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How do I lose weight?

How do I lose weight?

IT DEPENDS is my attempt to point out the knobs you can turn to help you answer the questions that have moving answers. When it comes to losing excess body fat, the simple answer is diet and exercise. There are about a thousand options for each with new ones being born every day. So, how do you choose a diet plan and exercise program that’s right for you?


Knob One: The diet you choose Most strategies that you hear to lose weight are being broadcast by someone who found success and got excited. While their intention may be pure, you aren’t them. The reason a lot of conflicting strategies exist, is because they all worked for someone. What is less obvious but more important, is that it’s your job to do the math. Find a diet that sounds like it’s for you. Not based on what it promises, but based on your relationship with food. Comfort with cooking, shopping, left overs, social life pressure, taste, job, kids… all that stuff matters.

Eat less or eat more.

You can focus on removing high calorie, low nutrient foods or you can focus on adding whole foods. It’s the same thing, but different enough to matter. You know what you need to do. There are diet plans for each. Removing junk usually involves more environment and behavior modification so find someone good at that. It’s not about knowing what to eat. It’s about knowing how to trick yourself into doing it until it becomes a habit.

What diet approach has worked best for you in the past?

What can you do to make bad decisions harder and good decisions easier?

Who can you ask for help or accountability?

Where do you struggle the most and what’s your plan for that?

What’s your next plan?

What always incentivises you? In my experience, fasting is worth trying for anyone. Don’t eat for 12-16 hours most days. Build up to it if that’s a stretch. Don’t be a nazi. Being hungry can feel completely normal. It’s also hard to overdo whole food (single ingredients). Whatever diet you pick… getting back on is the real skill.

Knob two: The exercise plan you choose.

Just like the diet advice you hear, the exercise suggestions you get are bound to be what worked for them. Do you have the same favorite movie as anyone you know? Pick your own path to fitness. I’m biased because I sell a fitness program (I also follow it) but I don’t want you if your goals don’t line up with my gym.

Fun AND Effective.

Are you enjoying your exercise routine AND is it working? If you don’t have both, you’re bleeding motivation. I know a lot of people that hate their program but it works so they keep dragging themselves back. I also see people that love their program even though they aren’t making progress on their goals. This is the year 2020 and we are in America people. You can find a fitness plan that you like and that works. At the same time.

Do you work better alone or with someone to be accountable to?

What kind of movements do you like?

Do you like repetition or variety?

Have you ever farted in front of a room full of people and lived?

Does swearing help?

Indoors or outside?

In my experience, people usually want to know the answer before they invest. Unfortunately the ONLY way to know the answer is to try it. Spend some time sifting through the options, but then pick one and invest. A one month commitment is enough to gauge the return you get on that investment.

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